Content Restoration Services in Colorado Springs & Leadville, CO

A list of reasons to choose KW Construction & Restoration for your project

Whenever you suffer any type of loss, you will have two basic lines of demarcation in the claims process. One is the structure, which is your building, or home, and it will be covered under different parts of your insurance policy. The other part is contents. In a residential setting, after a fire or flood, the loss of precious personal possessions hits hard.

Our staff will work with you to weigh sentimental value with insurance values. We want you to be made whole in your claim as well as in your heart. Once you have sifted through your personal effects and made the difficult decisions about sentimental items, we will work with you to assist in the more practical decisions of what items are better replaced and those that are more cost-effective to recover and restore.

We will transfer your valuables to our climate controlled content restoration facility to be salvaged and restored. We will also store your personal belongings until your restoration project is complete.

Working with you and your insurance claims adjuster, you will be able to make good, solid decisions. This is the case in any property loss, commercial or residential. These decisions must be made and, if made properly, you will see that your insurance coverage is usually adequate to meet your needs. Poor decisions will have a negative impact on your overall claim and KW Construction and Restoration will work with you to see that this does not happen. Contact us today.

CALL NOW at 719-301-3737 or Fill out the Contact Form and we will contact you.

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Keystone, CO

Water leaked into the unit. Causing damage to floors, walls and other belongings. We dried out the unit. The next step was reconstruction and content restorations

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KW Construction & Restoration
1312 Pecan St
Colorado Springs, co 80904
KW Construction & Restoration
1001 Poplar Street
Leadville, co 80461